Mage Stats
Rank of Importance
The stats you will be aiming for as a Mage follow similar structures that many other classes do in WoW. As DPS, we are there for the sole purpose of punching massive holes in bosses, and laying down heavy AoE damage. We are crowd cotnrol, and to a lesser degree, decursers.
Since we rely on mana, and Blizz knows this, we tend to have deep mana pools to dip into. Though with lengthy boss fights, using all our available resources is not a nuncommon occurence.
If you are serious about end game WoW content as a mage, you will be focusing on gear and how to optimize your DPS output. For that to happen, a Mage needs to understand their basic stat priorities.
- Hit - Hit Rating is the most important stat because it determines if your spells punch a hole through the boss, or completely miss and splatter harmlessly into the wall, scattering rocks and dust. Hit Rating should be prioritized to reach the hit cap, which is 17% under normal circumstances. Arcane Mages have to talents that knock that required hit to 11%. Being hit capped can mean the difference between solid DPS, and pathetic, /kick from the raid DPS.
- Spellpower - Spellpower is going to be your main focus after hit cap is reached. The more spellpower a Mage has, the stronger their spells will be, also increasing the strength of critical hits.
- Haste - Haste is often a confusing stat, but to simplify it, let's look at it this way...Haste can speed up the casting/channeling of your spells, and also can decrease the global cooldown of spells as well. Haste will allow you to cast spells quicker, adding more damage to the overall time spent in combat. Haste = DPS.
- Critical Strike Rating - Critcal Strike Rating is important, but falls into 4th place here due to the heavy impact that hit, spellpower, and haste have. It is still a strong stat, and most gear will accomodate this. You shouldn't be gemming for crit at this point. Focus on gemming hit or spellpower, depending on your current gear needs.
- Intellect - Contributes to your mana pool and also adds crit. Plenty of this on Mage gear.
- Spirit - Regenerates HP and mana, but also is converted into crit.
- Stamina - Not realyl worth mentioning, but Stamina is everywhere. be happy with what is on your gear.
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